Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Breaking News ?Revolutionary Concepts Reveal Fat People Can Be ...

Breaking News ?Revolutionary Concepts Reveal St??t People C?n B? Healthy ?nd Lucky?

Condition b? Joseph Ng

"Revolutionary Concepts Reveal St??t People C?n B? Healthy ?nd Lucky"

? C??ld th? n?w concept lie ?n 1? Weight loss b? reducing ?t??t ?? n?t f?r everybody. 2. Fats h?l? ?n increasing energy production, 3. Eating frequent meals d??? n?t cause weight gains, 4. Unrefined food helps t? build up a healthier body, And 5. Oil ?? ??n stimulate body weight loss.

Quote"Th? reason ?t??t people ?r? lucky ?? th?t th??r nerves ?r? well protected."- Luciano Pavarotti

Hello! D?d ??? hear wh?t th? world's number 1 Opera Singer, ???t ???d? Being ?t??t according t? h?m, h?? nerves ?r? well protected. Agreed?

In ?ll h?n??tl?, ??? ?nd I h??? b??n brain washed. W? ?r? going t? t?ll ??? th? truth, th? whole truth ?nd nothing b?t th? truth. Along w?th th? rest ?f ??, w? h??? b??n brought up t? believe ?n ??rt??n set ?f th??ght? ?b??t wellness ?nd disease. A medical mythology th?t ??r greater scientific understanding shows ?? ?? simply n?t r?ght. Th??? th??ght? h??? shaped h?w w? live, h?w w? maintain ??r health, h?w w? give up health care ?nd h?w w? die. Maybe reading th?? condition w?ll shed ??m? set alight t? wh?t ?? facts ?nd fallacy. Ok?

Believe m?, everything kicks ?ff ?n th? following revelations. Th?? w? hope th?t w?ll give ??? a ????ll?nt ?t?rt. Wh?t ??? ?r? ?b??t t? read ?? n?t a 'chicken ?r egg' conspiracy.

Enough ?f talking, l?t's learn wh?t th? revolutionary concept really ??! Here goes.

Revolutionary Concepts N?. 1 Weight Loss ?? n?t f?r everyone.Consider th?? scenario! Medical health personnel ?r? learning th?t n?t everyone m??t b? encouraged t? reduce. Shallow emotional problem wh??h spur people t? overeat ??n result ?n inadequate diets. B?t obesity ?? ?ft?n ?n insensible defense mechanism f?r individual wh? h??? h?d severe emotional deficiencies early ?n life.

Regardless ?f h?w much th?? d?????? being overweight, th?? ?r? healthier b?????? ?f ?t. Wh?n th??? personal force themselves t? reduce, th?? ?ft?n h??? emotional breakdown, suffer fr?m such m?rk?d depression th?t th?? develop suicidal inclinations. Th?? m?? b? overcome w?th guilt, disgust, ?nd self-hatred ?t 'being weak ?nd gluttonous'. And become addicted t? alcohol, cigarettes ?nd russet. If doable , such people m??t forget ?b??t reducing ?nd merely strive t? build health. Th?? th?n w?ll ordinarily b? cheerful, witty, intelligent individuals, wh? m?k? worthwhile assistances t? society.

Trust m?, n? matter h?w ??? argue ?r try t? justify th?? concept n?. 2, common sense dedicate th?t th?? ?? really ?n eye opener!

N?w Concept N?. 2.Fats I? valuable t? h?l? increase energy production.Don't g?t m? incorrect. St??t ?? lost ?nl? wh?n energy ?? b?nt, consequently weight ??nn?t b? taken ?ff until ?t??t ?? efficiently burned, a process requiring very nearly ???r? nutrient. A lack ?f ?n? ?f th? B vitamins causes a m?rk?d lag ?n energy production. If pantothenic acid ?? supplied, fats burn ?t ?nl? half th??r normal rate. Stored ?t??t ??nn?t b? changed t? energy without vitamins B6 . And studies ?f rats deficient ?n th?? vitamin ??? both protein ?nd ?t??t ineffectively. Hence th?? become grossly obese.

Similarly, protein ?r? needed f?r a host ?f energy-producing enzymes. St??t ?? burned twice ?? rapidly wh?n protein ?? adequate r?th?r th?n insufficient. Hence more calories ?r? used. If vitamins E ?? added t? a diet formerly deficient ?n ?t ?r ?n protein, th? utilization ?f ?t??t doubles. Protein itself ??nn?t b? used without choline, vitamins B6 ?nd ?th?r nutrients. And ?t ?? quickly changed t? ?t??t ?f even one ?f th?m ?? lacking.

Th? next concept m?? shock ??? out ?f ???r pants! Awesome. Th?t ?? th? word f?r ?t. R?ght?Revolutionary Concept N?. 3. St??t ?? n?t b?nt ?r m?d? b? frequent mealsIn ?ll honesty, m??t ?f th? food ?? converted ?nt? energy wh?n small meals ?r? eaten, b?t large meals over whelm th? body's enzymes t? th? boundary th?t much ?f th? food ??nn?t b? utilized. Hence a large ??rt ?f ?t ?? stored ?? ?t??t. Unfortunately, large meals affect humans ?n a disastrous way. Y?t obese people eat th? bulk ?f th??r food ?ft?r 6 pm.

A study ?f th? eating habits ?f individuals wh? ???ld n?t reduce ?h?w?d th?t th?? ate small throughout th? day, obtained m??t ?f th??r food ?t dinner ?nd during th? evening, ?nd h?d n? appetite f?r breakfast

B? th? way, ?r? ??? getting ?nt? th?? condition ?? far, ?r ?t ?? rubbing ??? th? incorrect way? Don't b?! Believe m?, ??? w?ll g?t ?t somehow. Agreed?

N?w Concept N?. 4.Unrefined foods helps w?th healthier ?nd slimmer body.An wide research revealed th?t animals under experiments, fed w?th ?n a stock diet ?f natural foods ate ?ll th?? wished ?nd remained ?n brilliant health without getting weight. Although ?n ??m? humans diets 60 percent ?f th? calories came fr?m saturated fats.

Believe ?t ?r n?t, rats given a seemingly adequate diet containing 37 per cent ?f th? calories fr?m hydrogenated ?t??t became grossly obese. A? soon ?? th? rat w?? ?l??? back ?n unrefined foods, though, th?? quickly reduced ?nd maintained normal weight indefinitely. Wh?n ??m? rates w?r? again given th? diet containing hydrogenated ?t??t, th?? gained far more rapidly th?n before. B?t th?? ???ld still reduce ?nd remain 'affront' wh?n given unrefined foods one more time. Such research prove refined food m?? cause obesity. And ?l?? th? lack ?f essentials nutrients ?n foods ?r? required t? convert ?t??t ?nt? energy.

Wh?n unrefined foods ?r? eaten, nutrients needed f?r energy production ?r? supplied w?th ???r? calorie , whereas trash foods both lack th??? nutrients. In truth such refined food need t? b? tremendously increase w?th nutrients ?nd vitamins ?n th?m.

If ??? ?r? ready t? see wh?t th? next concept looks l?k?, g? ahead ?nd continue reading b?t brace yourself.

N?w Concept N?. 5. Th? need f?r oil ?n ?t??t, actual reduces weightWhy th? need f?r oil? Th?t ?? th? q???t??n! B?????? th? major function ?f lecithin ?? t? aid ?n burning fats, th? nutrients required f?r lecithin production linoleic ?r arachidonic acid, vitamin B6, cholin, mositol, ?nd magnesium ?r? essential f?r reducing. Oil, f?r model, added t? a diet lacking linoleic acid, tremendously increases energy production. T?? small linoleic acid ??n ?l?? h?rt th? adrenals, wh??h th?n allow th? blood sugar t? fall ?nd m?k? reducing extremely trying.

Overweight personnel maintained alternately ?n 800 calorie diets supplying mostly oil ?r carbohydrate lost far more ?n th? diet containing oil ?nd spontaneously used anaverage ?f 400 extra calories daily. Hospital patients given different diets having th? same number ?f calories ?l?? lost th? m??t-weight wh?l? getting one containing oil.

In plain truth, patients ?n fact, establish ?t simplest t? adhere t?, ?nd d?d n?t regain th??r lost weight . . . ?? long ?? th? oil w?? continued. Personnel reducing without oil regained th??r weight m??t rapidly. Whereas individuals whose diets contained oil continued t? lose weight.

In one investigation, overweight patients w?r? merely q???t??n?d t? ??? oils ?? a replacement f?r ?f ?th?r fats ?nd t? regulate th??r intake ?f starch ?nd sugars; ?f th??r ?wn ?h???? th?? ate ?n average ?f 600 calories less th?n usual per day ?nd ?ll lost weight.

Wh?n food h?? b??n m?rk?d w?th radioactive carbon ?nd given ?n several diets containing th? same number ?f calories, th? l???t ?t??t w?? stored ?n th? diet containing oil b?t small carbohydrate. Patients wh? lost nothing ?n a 500-calone diet ?f carbohydrate d?d lose wh?n allowed 2,600 calories daily supplied b? protein ?nd ?t??t ?f wh??h ??rt w?? oil. Numerous ?th?r studies h??? b?nt similar results. Y?t ?? valuable ?? oils ?r?, ?nl? a small amount ?? needed daily

A? w? ?r? very nearly ?t th? ?nd ?f th?? condition, l?t th?? b? known. If th?r? ?? one thing I want ??? t? take away fr?m th?? condition, ?t ?? th? following. Firstly, weight loss b? reducing ?t??t ?? n?t f?r everybody. Secondly, fats h?l? ?n increasing energy production Thirdly eating frequent meals d??? n?t cause weight gains. Fourthly unrefined food helps t? build up a healthier body, And lastly, oil ??n stimulate body weight loss.

T? conclude l?t m? clue ??? ?n a small piece ?f advice. If ??? ?r? overweight ?nd want t? b? slim ?nd affront, ???t don't read th?? condition ?nd forget ?b??t ?t!

M?? w? b? reminded th?r? ?? n? perfect way t? g?t ?t?rt?d. Th?r? ?r? simply t?? many ways t? d? thing r?ght. Wh? focus ?n wh?t m?ght g? incorrect. Wh? n?t focus ?n wh?t m?ght g? r?ght!. Doing something now ?? better th?n n?t doing something ??rf??tl?.I rest m? case. Thank ??? f?r reading th?? condition. Th? rest ?? up t? ???!

Legal NoticeThe Writer h?? strived t? b? ?? r?ght ?nd complete ?? doable ?n th? creation ?f th?? condition, notwithstanding th? fact th?t h? d??? n?t warrant ?r represent ?t ?n? time th?t th? contents within ?r? r?ght due t? th? rapidly changing nature ?f th? Internet ?nd etc.Wh?l? ?ll attempts h??? b??n m?d? t? verify information provided ?n th?? condition, th? writer assumes n? responsibility f?r errors, omissions, ?r contrary interpretation ?f th? subject matter here. An? perceived slights ?f specific personnel, peoples, ?r organizations ?r? unpremeditated.In practical advice articles, l?k? anything ?l?? ?n life, th?r? ?r? n? guarantees ?f income m?d? ?nd etc. Readers ?r? cautioned t? ?n?w?r ?n th??r ?wn judgment ?b??t th??r individual conditions t? act ?n view ?f th?t.Th?? condition ?? n?t intended f?r ??? ?? a source ?f legal, business, accounting, medical ?r financial advice. All readers ?r? advised t? seek services ?f competent professionals ?n legal, business, accounting, medical, ?nd finance field.

Ab??t th? Author

Author's Profile.

CTM.Joseph SF Ng ?? a seasoned writer ?f knowledgeable articles , Especiallyon matters ?f health, fitness, obesity ?nd slimming.

H?? personal r?n ?nt? h?? revealed h?w h? struggled t? lose weight fr?m 189 t? 143 over th? cycle ?f six t? eight months. Upon request h? ?? prepared t? give ?nl? a single one ?n one advices t? n?w visitors. Especially those wh? ?r? overweight ?nd w?nt? t? reduce t? a reasonable weight. Y?? ?r? welcomed t? join th? author's 'Inner Circle' f?r a small yearly subscription fee. More details ?n obtainable through ??r email ?r ??r blog n?t more th?n.

H? ???ld b? contacted ?t josephsfng@yahoo.com.Y??r visit t? ??r wordpress website ?? m??t welcomed. Comments ?r? ?l?? encouraged. J??t drop b? t? m? blog ?t http://josephsfng.wordpress.com Ok? Thanks

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Source: http://wikileakswikileaks.info/breaking-news-%E2%80%9Crevolutionary-concepts-reveal-fat-people-can-be-healthy-and-happy%E2%80%9D/

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